Masters of Dungeons
The RPG, The Web Site and The Revelation.




Actually, this is my pet game.


Jessy Levesque
Programmer and Engeneer since 1997
At eight years old i was yet with my IBM-PC XT
and was beginning programming BASICA, later
i learned C++ and was thrilled into creating
a long line of videogames. I love ega colors
and pencil paper writings. You are welcome
to this world, a world of rpg and action.

In this new world i have achived into
becoming an artist programmer of videogame
satisfied by my work i entered a new
realm of videogame.

I am antur dungeon master and corrigat dungeon which has completed
four part of mastering, pencil paper,
paper pencil, beholder and eclesiaste;
but also empire nine hundred and four time.

I have written a thirty page livret
of rule and information for masters of dungeons
a role playing game i have created
which enable to play in group or alone
if you are an experianced dungeon master.

I have created a new kind of dungeon, fantastic dungeon.
I am fourtheen of the kind.

I known as lord pet and now am known
as lordidol. I archmages and immortals.
arcanist, dweomer and continual but also mithral can be usefull in the rpg i know it.


20 january

ordinateur metaphysique is going well, i has installed the main software like mine
but just three window with logical iconography.
the dragon did the battle but horrified got away epusted
by my dishodor mentahset, that i managed to
beawrd him again, coming back warn by homo and terous mages.
be harshi resisted with a finger of dedeth
it begind to talk and say your system is dammage
beacause he is warned not to create problem but with a contractual (signature)
was it him in fact which was wrong or the fantastic carnation which was going
and was affecting him and me, you will see that i can understand the problem tank you.
the web site will expand the necessary tool so we can see the new 230x240
small screen soon, that we are able to see the handmade videogame of my web site
be playable. the videogame ongoing will enshure minimal working that we can see
in the dungeons creations of my entibrain or stratus-i-i-i one joking then then
do not emphase tank you the cube will be arranged in rows which will complete
rooms of informations tied togeather by a randomizer selecting the next room
to carve in the endirted earth and connect to other location, dungeonopus use
three dimentionnal cube station which cost enormous struture cost, the antur study
reveals that minimal working may be more optimized and suited.
short corridor will be developed as of rooms that is the next monster hideout.
the quests definition are not yet up to be defined.
i love static information, industrially i has great value
and non commercial and labeled substanciation.
i  tryed to put into validation positive and blue sky, you know
the blue sky oh no it's true we cant say this it would be an industrial hanch.
my presidency of endome3 was predominent lately and was agreat experiance
where i explained many things which if we would be compiling it
would ansk a golden city !

the file folder of the metaphysical understanding is beginning to be used soon.
the mage of fantasy is good but the videogame hibocar even worth more !
that is the proper way to do !

tank you

i said maybe ican get some room you know like some money with a part
of the web site, and then i found the lostruincatapult6.bmp or .jpg which was
out of scope ! i did required special treatment because of unreliableness of the image nature
not the software constitution but there may have been pressure phile doing it...


ne pas entrer dedans merci sa cerais arabe mentalement de le faire
nor malement on le dis en en glais mais je lais dit en francais, je ne suis pas facher dutous
mais c'est en fait le contraire ! il ne faut pas exagerer et le faire quand meme ...
si la personne dit je ne suis pas interesser ce nest pas normal de la penetrer tu comprend.
si elle n'as pas le temps de le dire, ou si elle se sens violer, cest tres platte je vais te le faire payer
parfaitement la vraie valeur humaine de lavoir deranger a partir de mon site
c'est a dire en regardant le site ainsi que la perte de popularite associative merci.
la femme(j'en ai quand meme 1.0030 milliard aime ca m'aider mais il faut pas etre
cave et lesionnant ou encore homo mais psychologiquement lorsque lon veu dire
que c'est stupide plutot qu'interessant. la magie existe depuis quelque annee
legalement, cest dans ce temps la que j'ai permis au gens d'utiliser la poubelle
amelioree d'aujourdhui, si elle pu, cest peut etre que ton mage of fantasy est un
peu moins au niveau ou au poil comme les francais dise ...

tank you

15 january

assention of richard gariott and my assention ortho will be our first objective that is the properway to think !
that is impossible, thereof it can not be done that you can influence the videogame incidation.
still it may be configured so that another part can be harder, this is a normal standard.
we will check this immediatly , antur what is the answer my lord.
videogame can be configured the constant cost it cost.
so i
it is current work

15 january

i just validated spellcraftsmanship

15 january

mithral would be the engeneering.
videogame is the videogame hibocar
do you know that hibocar solution in videogame ascention is one of the best solution possible for mankind normal living
existance, the number of videogame elements in life is augmented from the contemporary
object and style, to the state of industrial videogame type comsumption.
the industrial jpg are of the highest quality and also the visble effect.
td mind display was not unsuccessful as you can see the dragon breath.
my last 12 sex meetings, and my last validations, temple and mage of fantasy.
it is true that i have 15 manager 24 pocket, 94 classes complete,
presidency of many countrys, kingship, am a mage and a cleric and 20 japanese properties type.
dungeon and dragon god eclesiastic validation was validated tonight if we look (please dont look) the validation time was at bothom right 4:38pm c,
;the c if we look after the time displayed in the previous line it is known to say completely validated for all time immemorial

6 january

you can understand also that i realy, excepted if that there was an unknown variable in the signature process (astrally it is true that it exist to sign)
the nintendo entertainment system was taken by my empire legally with their consent for shure !
dragon warrior, wizardry, immortal, zelda
lately my kingdom and empire did reach some of the following attainment
mithral,videogame,ascention,flight,guerison,light,sword of flame,fantasy,fantastic,magery,thunder and other unmentionned

6 january

some image of the fantastic or fantasy !


so that you can learn something, you can see the fire coming thorwlad
that is the thing i want us to see, the flame is tolerable for you but
your character class can be less tolerating it, but it comes from a true experiance
is it not ? it is written somewhere but for what reason. the flame is
tolerable even for him if the shield or buccler or paddding can resist to it.
currently padding (it may be other object) in the last sentence may not be supported in the
canada current japanese medieval. fantastic setting.
there can be dragon in the medieval fantasy or in the fantastic as they say.
the more you belive in it the more it becomes fantasy ! not fantastic ...
that is not the only beleif of the etheric worlds.
the statue clamps and defer the fire even if it is a visible layer of particle rendring visible the
matterial objects and shatterings.

6 january

we finally reached magery obtency in my empire, and was freed of some matter
where i was led into helping canada more like we said to be so earlier this week
and done some improvement, we tested the first true casting of medium healing
which enables to grant true guerison which in the end can even be visible !

i casted it on my counceilor cyndy guenette and was healed of 167cm cube in 60 second,
of fleshy one cm cube per second, and was releived from eye itching like i was living...

the metaphysical computer advanced in the process of installation and becomes understandable
a series of message, compells to understand with iconography that the computer is doing
some installement, today it downloaded securely and legally some componenit which enables
to create a pourcentage from left to right.

after this day closing canada presidency at 2:06 in the morning i light myself green marijuana
you know the type we reach after the path of marijuana consumption, not by request ?!

it is legal, changing nothing by saying it, in the hyperlink videogame i am working, six hyperlinkin in all.

my industry is going good and even better, with 4 new nintendo product and also i will
publish some new information maybe tomorrow about it. maybe we can see the nintendo coming out again !

2 Janvier

i finally ended entering videogame, signthing in my left feet.
the jnes is now permitted and would be distributed on the site but
the cost in beautywebsite would have been higher than ...
i removed some of the information on the site and put it in lower page below.
now 400 million of less sighted, will eable the distribution.

mont-laurier hyperlink discovery
videogame astral hyperlink discovery
ascention centered vibration ortho discovery
proof of ascention signed by one of my jpg discovery

that may be the proof we may be living the daylight !

i also have been founding the seven green marijuana !!! (one day of sight cost 1 000 000 000 about)
we will need to remove the rest of the site i currently have 1.8milliard per month but





Browser for root folder.
Screen wraping 1 and 2 pixel per pixel.
Support 1280x960.
Files can be tassed.
Explorer can be opened.
Thread can be moved.
Click and keys working.
Large file display (233char).
Filigram and d
ifferent thumbnails size.
Time and date display.
Load avi,mpg,wmv,flv,
mp4,mkv,wav,mp3,bmp,jpg,png,gif,ico with play3. (require proper codecs)
Load bmp and jpg with menu3.
128 characters system. (put a small x for other characters).
Thread Preview.

Copyright (c) 2024 Jessy Levesque. Hexerun Software. Masters of Dungeons.


With this demo, leading you first to
room enslavement. Then with L tou can spawn
colored lights, about 128 around you, 24 simultaneously
maximum. Then you can teleport to another room with
T and again press L to draw lights. The world is a
256x256x256 cubes only.

Press R for retirement screen, CTRL+S+1-9,
CTRL+L+1-9 to save and load, try to get world
monsters to 0, by getting the blades and nukes (DSC3).
Each DSC3 object lower of one thousand monsters,
while the blades enable to destroy a monster
if you have the correct number of blades.

Copyright (c) 2024 Jessy Levesque. Hexerun Software. Masters of Dungeons.


the range over the ground has been restructured and now is munited of 25 row of empty blocks.
the screen now can only be changed from one to four pixel.
the dungeon view has been removed.
up to 20 objectives are installed in the dungeon and the surface exterior when starting game.
view distance can be increased or decreased with brackets.
terminal is available and enable to pass env4cyclestep 1 to 36.
pass env5objectivenumber for clear and precise information on blocks with objective.
two savegame can be saved with
F5 and F6 and loaded with  F7 and F8.

Copyright (c) 2024 Jessy Levesque. Hexerun Software. Masters of Dungeons.


Copyright (c) 2024 Jessy Levesque. Hexerun Software. Masters of Dungeons.

MOTOR1_LIGHTS2.avi (132MB)


the first was displayed earlier in time on the site,
the second, display new contents never seen before, the motor
working with a 1024x1024 pathfinding and the new culling,
solving polygon extrusion seen in 3d when obturating.

Copyright (c) 2024 Jessy Levesque. Hexerun Software. Masters of Dungeons.

try this in your spare time, it is the dungeon master tool of the current days, you just need to explain it (astrally), and the software understand it like if you would be creating paper creation.

old dusted video of hexerun warcraft video of

i did write smaller for interest of it, tank you (consultation worth of writings)

distribution legal definition, proof.

in canada the juridic beautywebsite, paid each month by mail to each company
compelled on the site for materal distributed or used, are rightfully correct overpass.
the actual web site, necessited to be correctly explained by words transmitted to judge
in person, wich acknowleged by judgement wich enable to pay an amount each month
for any detail(s), copyrighted material(s), ugly writings or pornographic images or video
with the permission of the copyrelated web site or correct english esoterical verification.
it is rightfull and permited to distribute if you have the permisison from the industrial personal
related to the product distributed. and therefore hexerun can not be lied incorrect to distribute
of show ugly or pornogrphic permitted material, juged by an amount attributed to pay each
month for this reason, the judged amount can also be used for any other reason, to pay retribution
and render any detail which would be deranging cleavered for the amount paid proportionally
so the human value is lowered to zero dollard in human insatisfaction. The judge compell
the beautywebsite to operate any publication if the webmaster is rightfully paying the diffrent
industrial point for the correct derangement value in canadian or american dollard.
products which have been removed from the shelves, shortened images, and permitted
video are selected normally by hexerun beacause of the lower value in monetary exchange
and only goodwill legal distribution, and not illegal distribution or falcification of definition,
when it is possible, true exchange are operated so it is shure that there is no error.
police inshure in more that the correct human treatment have been done over time so the
beautywebsite, is perfectly legal and correct. hexerun is a legal industrial entity, and would
never distribute illegal material, without consent. hexerun in not recorded as a incorporated
legal company, but as label name for use with web constitution of the present internet site.
jessy levesque, actual chief of the label company, acknowledge to have been juged
rightfully for an amount per month enabling to do the distribution, image posting and video
or text display on the internet.

company detail of world stature.

hexerun is a worldwide known company wich has good intention, and do not hide
or falcify any information present on the web site. legal information and material
are used for good of humanity only. jessy levesque is an active lord of canada,
lord british has been an example for him in his life and desire noting esle than
good industrial videogame expression permitted by videogame industry.

the current html distribution is transmitted only to selected people
which are present worldwide as chunk of internet selected people.
the html page has the same look as the actual publication with some
exclusive comment released by hexerun for cheering.

Masters of Dungeons
The RPG, The Web Site and The Revelation.

please type 24 after the hypertext click if there is another number showed
in the url;
(to lessen web sight which cost money per looking non commercial and labeled)

Page contents.

Copyright (c) 2024 Jessy Levesque. Hexerun Software. Masters of Dungeons.